Odabutsu (お陀仏 - Dying/Becoming Useless)

Mar 16, 2018 20:15
Yesterday, I introduced you to the Japanese term おしゃかになる (oshaka ni naru), which means to become useless.

Actually, there is a similar term, お陀仏 (odabutsu).

"Odabutsu" means that someone dies or something becomes useless.

お (o) is a polite prefix and 陀仏 (dabutsu) is short for 阿弥陀仏 (Amidabutsu), means Amida Buddha.

In Buddhism, adherents chant a prayer 南無阿弥陀仏 (namu amidabutsu), when someone died.

This changed to "odabutsu," and now it can be not only used when someone dies but also when something becomes useless.

(Ahhh, I definitely wrote this essay on March 15th, but I couldn't publish it properly... I'm so sad.)






No. 1 Timmy's correction
  • In Buddhism, adherents chant a prayer 南無阿弥陀仏 (namu amidabutsu), when someone died.
  • In Buddhism, adherents (or: devotees) chant a prayer 南無阿弥陀仏 (namu amidabutsu), when someone died.
  • (Ahhh, I definitely wrote this essay on March 15th, but I couldn't publish it properly...
  • (Ahhh, I definitely wrote this essay on March 15th, but couldn't publish it properly...
>Ahhh, I definitely wrote this essay on March 15th, but couldn't publish it properly...

I know how you feel. It's really frustrating to see a blank space in your calendar when you write everyday.
Thank you so much for the correction!
Yes, it's very frustrating. Actually, I made a blank space in my calendar three times so far. I think that two of them were due to network failure on Lang-8...
You're welcome!

>I think that two of them were due to network failure on Lang-8...

It's just something that's happening all the time)